I was just out on gardenweb.com for the second time - EVER. And I LOVE it! What a bunch of great people out there who have come to know and love each other and each other's gardens. They ask questions, post pictures, pose problems and get solutions from like-minded people who have the same planting passions.
I only made the time to read on the Florida Gardening forum pages, and what a treat! I posted on a few of the questions, but read many, many more - both the questions and the comments made by so many other contributors. I'm beginning to see how and why people are able to become addicted to the computer. With so many helpful, friendly, SYMPATHETIC gardeners out there, I could spend days, maybe weeks or even months, just following their threads and the links posted by generous gardeners in efforts to help others.
On another note, I did take pictures of the delphiniums and dwarf hollyhock yesterday. I just have to take the time now to download the pictures from the camera and get them posted here. It will be in the next few days - been too busy reading and writing on the Garden Web! The Garden Web could be my new "black hole" of time.