Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Central Florida Biting Bugs!

Yes, it is that time of year.... The no-see-ums are in full war-waging regalia and out there just waiting for us to offer up our most tantalizing skin for them to chew on. Last night just walking around the front flower beds, I could feel them. Now, mind you, I had on long sleeves and slacks, but I could feel them immediately on my hands, neck, and even in my hair. They were biting my head where my hair was parted!

I thought I would be able to plant some more Champagne Bubbles poppies and red Rocket snapdragons, but it was not to be. The little, barely seen chewing monsters took that away from me last night. I've tried the yard sprays that are supposed to drive away biting and stinging insects, but it has no effect on these little varmints as soon as the breeze blows the spray vapor away. These sprays are effective on our little teensy mosquitos, but not on the no-see-ums.

So, I will have to cover myself with the sticky, stinky bug repellant to try to hold the nasty biters at bay long enough to get the rest of my baby plants into the flower beds. Then there are the Gerbera Daisies to plant, oh, and the rest of the delphiniums, snaps, poppies, fuschia, Home Run roses, and the azalea cuttings. I'll just have to fill a big vat with repellent and take a dip!

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