Monday, September 17, 2012

Trying for Daffodils in My Central Florida Garden

I've been missing the spring show that most northern gardeners take pretty much for granted. The spring bulb gardens put on a reliable display each spring with very little ongoin effort on the part of the gardener. When I lived in northern Illinois I had a few thousand bulbs in a fairly small front yard that put on such a display that passers-by would stop to take it all in. I have missed that here in the 9s zone.

I received one of the regular emails from a company with a good reputation for providing high quality products. I am a sucker for a pretty picture so I opened the catalog and did a search for bulbs for zone 9s and the search results came back with just a few, but those few are enough to again get me hoping that once again my front yard will garner admiring stares from the passers-by.

Here are the types I ordered that CLAIM to grow here:
  • Narcissus Sun Disc
  • Narcissus La Belle
  • Narcissus Trevithian
I just ordered them a week ago and they've not yet arrived.  I already have begun work on their new home in the front yard since our deer are normally not hungry enough to bother with anything that is not very succulent as I understand that deer, mice, voles, etc. do not especially relish the taste of members of the narcissus family.  I'll post an update as this little project progresses in My Central Florida Garden.

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