Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Autumn in My Central Florida Garden

September 20th

Funny how the incoming Fall season’s arrival is heralded by subtle changes in the smell of the air and the change in not just the shade patterns cast by the sun, but even in the colors of the sunlight. Fall officially begins this Friday, but we are still reaching consistently into the 90’s each day with the frequent rainstorms. Our rainy season ends in about three weeks signaling our real end of summer. The humidity will drop as cool weather fronts (we don’t often get Cold Fronts) slide down past the middle of the Florida peninsula and we begin the months that make enduring the hot Florida summers all worthwhile. We will again remember why we live here in October, November, and on through next April, when summer will again begin for us in May.

Our trees, shrubs, and lawns, although a blowsy, frowsy green, are looking tired, as though they also are waiting for the respite of cooler weather. They have lost the exuberant light green of billowing new growth which is subsiding with the shorter days’ light. I love my Central Florida Garden and all the frantic planting, seeding, and weeding that the summer brings. But I must admit, the Autumnal twinge in the air sets my sights toward Halloween, Harvest, Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Year’s, and our Anniversary, Scott’s birthday, Valentine’s Day, St. Pat’s, right through Easter, before the onslaught of the heat of next summer in my Central Florida Garden. Happy Fall!