Thursday, January 20, 2011

Missing the flowers just about now.

Missing the flowers just about now even here in the Central Florida garden. These fun pretties were on the back steps last year. The holidays are done and packed away. I am ready to get out and plant. First though I have to take the time to plan out and list what the planting priorities are for the upcoming growing season.

Last year most of the time and energy put into the yard went toward planting perennials such as Rudbeckia, cuphea, coreopsis, and the self seeding hollyhocks.

This year I am determined to perfect my veggies. They just do not do very well in the Central Florida native sandy soil, and even though its had truckloads of mushroom compost and mulched tree trimmings, it still needs more amending. That is at the top of the list before a single seed is planted.

That said, I better get at it!

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Test blog message

This is a test of my mobile blog set up.


Veggie Tents and Going Mobile in My Central Florida Garden

I am in the process of setting up my phone to allow on-the-go blogging. This will allow me to share great ideas, pics, and tips as I go, and it seems anymore as though I'm always on the go as all of you are.

I constantly work to find the fastest and most economical ways to do my gardening, and this year will be no different. Being in sunny Central Florida, many of my veggie plants overdose on sunshine and tend to get sun scald which ruins the skins on tomatoes, peppers, and melons. I've even had green beans and cabbages wilt under the strong rays and heat.

So this year, I think I'm going to give my veggies little tents to help them through the heat of the sun. I'll try it and see how it works. If anyone has an idea about this, I'd love to hear about it. My initial plan is to use a layer or two of cheesecloth. We'll see!