Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Busy, but still in our Florida Garden!

Been busy in the garden, and on the roof. We’re re-roofing the house, including a tear-off, adding skylights (the house was dark, dark, dark!), and improving rain-shed with a cricket on the chimney. Rain-shed is extremely important in Florida where it may rain everyday in the summer months. We had to take off gutters and rain has absolutely pummeled the flowers beneath the drip edge. But I do have some pictures anyway of what we’ve been up to in our Fabulous Florida Garden.

We’ve been ordering liners (baby plants, really no more than seed starts) of hollyhocks, calendula, New Guinea impatiens, rudbeckia, to name a few. We’ve also ordered rooted poinsettia cuttings for a holiday display that will knock your socks off! We did them for the first time last year which was a learning experience. Hopefully we’ll do better with them this year.

We’ve also started a weekly garden journal where we keep track of when we prune, fertilize and all that Florida garden stuff that keeps the place from looking like a jungle. More pics to come, and maybe even post the weekly journal notes (hopefully with pics) for sharing successes of varying degrees. Notice there is no mention of “non-successes!” There are no non-successes; there are only varying degrees of attempts at new growing ideas in our Florida Garden!

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