Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Central Florida Gardening at Home

I've been very, very bad. Haven't posted in MONTHS!. Been taking college classes and teaching college classes in addition to the day job. But I'm ba-a-a-a-ck!

Since August, much has grown (and died!) in my Central Florida garden. We've also had something digging in the yard in addition to the deer munching on the Knock Out and Home Run roses, an also the daylilies and rudbeckia. The deer have also been tasting the new baby Red Ruffle azaleas we put in, but it seems the deer don't like them and have a habit of tasting them by pulling them out of the soil and then when they realize they don't like them, they just throw them aside. We think that our digging critters are either armadillos or the turtles. Can't be moles because they have their own way of marking their territory that is extremely apparent! If anyone has any other ideas what may be making 4 to 6 inch holes about 3 to 4 inches deep, PLEASE let me know. I haven't been able to catch any likely culprits in the act.

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